If you’ve visited our web shoppe in the last couple of days, you’ve come upon this screen. Hopefully it won’t be there too much longer and things will be back to normal.
So, what’s going on behind this beautiful backdrop? Over the last couple of months we’ve received several emails from you, our customers, telling us that our website is taking FOR-EV-ER (as my kids would say) to load pages. We began to notice it too. It didn’t take long to figure out that The Quilt Shoppe was having some major growing pains. Ouch! It’s time to switch “homes".”
Now I’ll be the first to admit that anything major in the wonderful world of computers is not my “thing.” But I have learned that a website is “hosted” on a server. There are many options for server types. When we first opened, our site was hosted on a shared server, which basically means we’re sharing space with someone else. Well, we all know what can happen when you’ve shared space with someone for too long. Eventually one or the other or both accumulates way more “stuff” than they did when they started and things start to get a little cramped. In our case, way cramped. So the next best thing is to have you’re very own dedicated server, your own “room,” if you will. And if you’ve ever moved, you know that it is a time-consuming process. Everything has to be wrapped, boxed, labeled, and stacked. For the website it isn’t quite that laborious, but everything does basically have to be packed up and moved to its new home and then tested to make sure that everything made it to the right place and that everything likes its new surroundings.
So, that’s where we are at – we’re moving to a new home. Once we’re up and running, our page load times should increase dramatically, which makes a better shopping experience for you.
Please, please, please, once we’re back up and running, please move around our site and let us know if something’s not working right. We’re not expecting any broken china, or dents in the furniture, but, well, you know how moves go. Then send us an email or a message through the website, and we’ll get it fixed asap.
As for our email, it's also hosted on the same server, so it's been packed up and moved, too. If you've emailed us in the last couple of days, we haven't received it yet. Once everything is back to normal, we should receive everything that came in. As soon as we can, we'll respond to your emails in the order we received them.
In the meantime, if there’s anything you need, give us a call at 916-684-8369 or visit our Etsy site at www.thequiltshoppe.etsy.com.
Thank you for your patience and we look forward to serving you soon :)