Thursday, June 10, 2010

Spring Fever Blog Bingo – Day 11

Spring Fever Blog Bingo Day Eleven

To all our new followers, WELCOME!  We are absolutely delighted to have you as part of our big family here at The Quilt Shoppe.  We are having so much fun with our Spring Fever Blog Bingo.  I have a funny feeling we’re getting close to a winner!  Good luck to everyone !!!


Congratulations to

Julie in Casnovia, MI

You are the winner of the Serenity fat quarter bundle.

Send us your address and we’ll get it out to you today!  (



Here’s our Thursday line-up!  We have so many, many wonderful blogs to feature, it’s hard to pick!  I think I’ll make this a regular part of our blogging each week.  I’m amazed each time I open a new blog at the talent in our quilting community.  Don’t forget to leave a comment and say “hi” from a fellow Spring Fever Blog Bingo player.

Little Bits and Pieces

Lala’s Lovely’s

Gene Black an Alabama Artist

Maniacal Material Girls

Quixotic Crafter

Merry Made Quilts


thursday’s words








REMINDER:  You need to have all 25 words on your list crossed off.  If you think you have bingo, email us at with the subject BINGO.  We’ll check your words and if it’s a match, we’ll let you know.

thursday’s giveaway


Today we have three books from Leisure Arts to go to three lucky posters.

Don’t forget to leave a comment here, on TODAY’S POST, to be eligible for today’s giveaway.  Winner will be announced tomorrow morning!

Have a wonderful Thursday!


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Laurie said...

A daffodil popped up its yellow head to greet me this morning! *smile*

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I got 2 words today. I am still way behind but it is fun checking out all the different blogs. So lets see, my words...The WIND sure picked up while I was PLANTING my garden.

Dawn said...

My rose looks lovely all on its own
Hugs Dawn x x

Anita said...

Another word today for a total of 15 words.

quilting queen said...

no words for me today. What a bummer

Anonymous said...

No words today :(

Anonymous said...

Another word today. My ROSES are blooming in the back yard.

Anonymous said...

What fun books!

Suzie Stone

Jolynn said...

All I got was wind, but how appropriate because the wind has been blowing almost constantly here.

Mary U said...

no words for me today, but I have been lucky till now so I can't complain LOLOL great give away

Cheri said...

Nothing today, but love the giveaway books. I hope you pick my words on Friday!

Carin said...

Unfortualy no words for me today.

Dana Gaffney said...

No words for me today, but I love those books.

Amy said...

Awesome day! Two more for me. And the funny thing is that I actually did wake up to "abundant" "chirp"ing out side my window!!

Nancy said...

No words today - 8-(

Monica said...

None today...still need six more words.

Dawn said...

Bummer, none at all today. Oh well.

Jess in Progress said...

YAY for Daffodils :) One more word.

Anonymous said...

I got one more word today and am soooo happy I won the drawing from yesterday!!!! Thank you

Wendy said...

My rose smells oh so sweet :) Good morning!!

Anonymous said...

Just a gorgeous rose for me today.

PunkiePie (Jen) said...

One word for me today. Woohoo!

Anonymous said...

No words today

Audrey @

Jonathan said...

Woohoo, 2 words today! YAY!

Anonymous said...

Still no more words. Maybe next time.

Anonymous said...

None today . . . shoot.

sharon said...

Nothing today either, in a dry spell, but still having fun! Sharonj.

KaHolly said...

Two more words,
Wish it was four,
But I'll tune in tomorrow
And check off some more!

Melissa C said...

One for me today

Anonymous said...

Abundant was my only word today.

pamsgram said...

Boo Hoo no words again

Becky Reeder said...

There is an ABUNDANT amount of basil growing in my garden!

Becky Reeder

Anonymous said...

DAFFODIL and PLANTING go hand in hand.
I'm on my way and now have a total of 15.

Janet said...

I picked a little viola this morning. :)

quiltnmaryf said...

No words has been an off week! Bummer~

Ida from Central PA said...

no words today. My card remains half full.

Trisha said...

Yesterday = lucky
Today = not so much

Stephanie said...

no words again today but the daily giveaway sure looks great!

Brenda said...

Two more words today.

Lee D said...

as i head off to my son's high school grad, fingers crossed I have a win.

Not Lucy said...

I found one little DAFFODIL still blooming in my garden.

mkay said...

got chirp today. have a great day.

Dresden Quilter said...

No words today!

Anonymous said...

Another gloomy day here, no sun and no words for me. Boohoo


Julie said...

1 today! Chirp, Chirp.

fairlight said...

Nice day here, the birds are chirping.

Mike and Jen said...

This is the perfect PLANTING time for those ROSES I bought.

Anonymous said...

No words for me today. Hope tomorrow is better!

Julie T

Lori said...

I was hoping for an "abundant" amount of words, but only got one. That makes 16 words for me so far.

Andrea said...

Yay, I got another word! That gives me a total of 11! I'm having so much fun! WOOHOO!!

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

No words, but I'm thinking my name will be drawn for a prize any day now!

Jenna Z said...

None for me today. And certainly no bingo yet!

Anonymous said...

hot here today

Tammy said...

I got 2 words today! Yippee! This is a fun game to look forward to each day..thank you!

Karen said...

Today, I heard a bird CHIRP as it flew by a DAFFODIL.

I now have 19 words. This is such fun!

ferne said...

I am 'planting' an 'abundant' supply of 'roses' in my garden. I have an abundant supply of quilting books too, but would love to have some more!

Anonymous said...

No words today (sob) ;)

SewCalGal said...

I found a beautiful VIOLA today and had such fun playing Bingo with you!


Joyce said...

Three days without any words. I think I picked the wrong ones.

Sarah said...

3 words!!! exciting!

Unknown said...

I have not had an abundant amount of words but at least one this time.

Victoria said...

No words today!

Anonymous said...

no words for me today. :-(

Cheers Geniene

sapphirewishes said...

one more today. I have lots of flowers left

Bonnie E said...

My yellow DAFFODIL bloom all over
my yard in the spring. Thanks for the great game and chance to win really cool prizes!!!!!!

Loose Threads said...

Nothing today - love visiting all the new blogs, thanks so much.

Kirsten and Tracy said...

No words again! But my (and my daughter's) blog is in today's blog roll!! Yippee!!! That's almost as good as getting a bingo!


Create With Joy said...


I'm a new follower and I would be thrilled to win those books!

What a great blog and community you have here - look forward to getting to know you all!


dz said...

Rose today. Happy Day!

dollquilter said...

None for me again today. The game is fun but fustrating.

Sue said...

oh I love books love to just sit and admire the photos

Annemiek said...

Yes yes yes, after days and days with no matching words at all, I'm finally PLANTING something! yeey! said...

An even 10.

Barbie said...

Three words today! The roses and daffodils are abundant this sping!

Gail J said...

OH thought I got one, I went back to the original list and check the words I had windy, not wind. sniff sniff. So I got NONE. But like the books. Yeah someone from MI won. How much fun is this. even though I got zippo.

Anonymous said...

My garden is abundant in roses. However my bingo list is not abundant in crossed off words! Ha! Happy Thursday!
Joanne M.

Anonymous said...

One more today. not doing so well
A ROSE has thorns too.

Dee Smith
Marietta, SC

Anonymous said...

This was a good day for Spring bingo - 2 words.


Deb said...

No words today! DRAT!! :o)

Sandra Coleman Clarke said...

No words for me! Boo hoo. Maybe tomorrow.

Taya@TypeB said...

Shut out today... I wonder if anyone is getting close!

Annie said...

It's "abundant"ly clear that I am making very slow progress!

CatQuilter said...

Everything's coming up roses! One more word crossed off!

Jan Dee said...

Got one! I love the roses blomming in the summer.

Jane said...

none for me today

marciekoch said...

I got three words today!! 12 to go!

Barbietee said...

slow day for me sad

Abby and Stephanie said...

A ROSE is a rose...

Ulla said...

Just one daffodil today!

Sandy said...

No words today....if a winner is soon, it isn't going to be me!

Anonymous said...

No words today....happy Thursday to all.


Anonymous said...

There is an ABUNDANT WIND blowing. Two words today!

Anonymous said...

One word for me today!


Sandie @ crazy'boutquilts said...

Congratulations to today's lucky winner! I got a daffodil today~ I love daffodils! :-) Thanks for the fun!

Jeads123 said... words today for me :(......only 11 more words to go !!!

Anonymous said...

No words again today. I only have twelve so far. From the comments, there are some who are much further along. Good luck to all of us and may the best quilter win. Wait a minute - that wouldn't be me I am a beginner!


Brenda said...

Things are smelling sweeter than a ROSE. That's 13 for me.

Unknown said...

Only 1 today.

Darlene said...

2 today! :)

Anonymous said...

No words for me today..

Debbie said...

The first day with no words for me. :(:(

Sipiweske Quilts said...

Wow I've picked a really bad selection of words this time around - nothing again today! - Marlene

Anonymous said...

Three words today!!! Yay :)

Sinta Renee said...

Two more words for me hurrah! Have you ever heard the sound of a viola- it's like hearing notes carried by a soft wind.

Quilt Monkey said...

I only got the word Viola today, which makes me smile because it is my middle name!

Needled Mom said...

A daffodil is always a welcome sight in spring. I'm up to 11 words now. That is good for me!

Brockett's said...

No words today.

QuiltSue said...

No words today, perhaps I might be lucky and win one of those wonderful books.

OTquilter said...

Only two words today, but I'm still hopeful!

Nancy in NJ

Linda in Arkansas said...

Thank you so much for including the list of blogs each day. I've really been enjoying them. They are certainly something to CHIRP about. (Oh and today I'm on the list! Thanks!!)

Ingaredstoka said...

No word today. Hope for luck in drawings and tomorrows words.

Anonymous said...

My viola's look so nice in the garden.

Marie in Oregon

Margie said...

Am going to try this one more time. Can't seem to get it to post!! I did hear a bird chirp this morning.

Micki said...

Love the books!

Unknown said...

None for me today, but it was fun checking anyway!

schmidt1016 said...

None for me today. Rats!
Leslie S. in MN

Mikol said...

nothing for me today

Celine said...

I have been PLANTING a ROSE today.
2 more yeah!

Sheila said...

No words today , but I am still having fun .

Laila L S said...

No words for me today :( and far away from bingo

Claire said...

The yellow "daffodil" is very pretty!

sbmeeks said...

just one word today and 12 away from bingo...

AnnieO said...

Two words today! ABUNDANT sunny days lead to the CHIRP of the grasshopper. 9 words total--still way behind!

Michelle said...

Looks like fun books! Would love to win!

Cackleberry Homestead said...

1 word today, 11 left.

Michelle said...

I love daffodils!

Linda said...

The words were not very abundant but one is better than none!!

Crafty Maine Mom said...

This game gives me an ABUNDANT amount of happiness. Thank You.

Leah said...

feeling behind... but would love some new books for inspiration! :)

Stacey Bean said...

No words for me today, yesterday, or the day before.

Anonymous said...

Gosh, gosh, I have ABUNDANT feelings to win the giveaway for today....., I'm saying that for real!!!!

arlette said...

I'm scared my words aren't in the bag :'(, no luck with them, but I found I hint how I'd feel better, if I win the books, I'm a book-aholic, lol

Anonymous said...

No words for me today but it's still fun checking the list each day. :)


Patty said...

I don't think I'm meant to win at Bingo. I remember going to Bingo games with my grandma at her local church and I never had the numbers they called. Somehow that's all coming back to haunt me. Yikes! I think I've had the word next to every word that's been posted. But I am not giving up!! Next time I play I'm going to pick my words them switch them for the next word in the column.

Annette said...

I have been PLANTING flowers for a beautiful summer.

janieg said...

A beautiful DAFFODIL bloomed today. So pretty, and unusual for June.

Robin (RsIslandCrafts) said...

No words today :( See ya tomorrow :)

Anita in Florida said...

Boy did I pick lousy words...however, today I did get one...daffodil!

Mama Spark said...

I chirped when I say Viola was on the list today!

Susan Entwistle said...

I almost missed that I had a word today. Darn rose-colored glasses! 9 down, 16 to go (feeling math-y today). Have a great one! And thanks for listing my blog today. Best go blog about something. (grin)

Lovie said...

Would love to win one of these books, I do not have any of them.

Rafael's Mum said...

They look like lovely books. Go Quiltshoppe go!

quiltermom91 said...

One word for me today - but a question - I have "windy" on my list but you posted "wind". Which is right or where there two words? Laura


My rose is NOT blooming as we have had too much rain! Have a good day everyone!

Taira said...

no words for me. Totaly I have 8 words

Hand Quilting Nana said...

My ROSES are beautiful this time of year.

Please don't include me in the drawing for tomorrow as I already have all three of these books.

Thank you!


Darlene B said...

Two for me today!

Kelly O. said...

abundant! yay for word #10!

~Marica~ said...

One more word to count ;-)

Cyndi loves to stitch said...

no words for me today, but I got some nice words/comments from those who visited my blog. Thanks again for putting me on your blog roll yesterday! Cyndi

zswela said...

Oh no nothing again today.I do hope someone is close so that they may put me out of my misery.
Later, Debora

isa & marta said...

Dos mas para hoy, vamos en camino!!!!

Julie S said...

I am expecting an ABUNDANT harvest after all the PLANTING that I have done!

mom said...

I love roses.

Ohappyme said...

Believe me it has been lonely here, NO words again!

Susan said...

Just one word again today! It's fun to look at all the different blogs, though. I've even found a few new ones to subscribe to!

Patty said...

Wow! I got three today. My best day yet.

benbel said...

My total eleven words will have to do for now.....but I'm having fun!

Susan said...

I have an Aunt Rose and my Grandmother was Viola!

rockgranny said...

I like daffodils in the wind

CMEH said...

another one today.... plugging right along!

~Kris~ said...

My favorite spring flower is the "daffodil"

Anonymous said...

Just one word today again...daffodils.


Kathryn said...

Slow but sure, I added one more to my list.

Anonymous said...

No words today and no Email from In Stitches. I went back to Square 1. (9)

LynnEl Springer said...

I'm still stuck on 11 words crossed off. Wonder when this drought will end...

Anonymous said...

I need abundant words to get the bingo.

Anonymous said...

I'm not getting e-mails anymore is that new? Didn't get any words today either. Dorothy

Sharrieboberry said...

Viola makes 13 words today, so I'm not close to the Bingo yet...

anniesmom06 said...

No words today, but the weather is beautiful in Metro-Detroit today. Hope everyone is enjoying this bingo as much as I am!

Char said...

Wow, this is the first time I didn't have a word.

Anonymous said...

None today! I have a long way to go.

Lori in FL

Anne Ida said...

Abundant... can't really come up with a sentence with that word ;o) ...still need 14 more words...

Mary said...

The WIND is really blowing here in the Midwest. I'm up to 8 words now, slow but steady.

annemarie said...

Lovely books - no words for me again!!

esquiltingpassion said...

BooHoo, no words today, yesterday I thought my luck was changing.

Keep Stitchin' said...

Can't wait to win these books! Love Leisure Arts stuff!

Karen said...

what a great day to smell the ROSEs, enjoy the VIOLAs, listen to the birds CHIRP and feel the WIND in my hair :) the drought is over!

Unknown said...

Two words today!

Sheila W said...

Not a one, today. "Y" did I choose "windy" instead of "wind?!"

Fernanda said...

Nothing today.

Carrie P. said...

Oh, I don't have any of those books. I have one word today-chirp

Anonymous said...

I just found this today. I am so sad I missed the start. I will have to join in next time.

darsfo said...

My favorite flower is a rose.

Mrs. JP said...

Thank you for the "rose."
What fun. I can't wait to see your site and the new blogs you provide. I've already got a new friend to follow thanks to you.

Tammy said...

There was an abudant of chirp(ing) going on this morning. I looked out and seen a pink rose in bloom. I have 16 words & 9 to go.

Joanne Deschenes, Savannah, GA said...

on hold with words today.... Help me pick up my momentum tomorrow!!!

Jorie said...

Such fun posts, I love the word Bingo idea. New follower here :)

Anonymous said...


Carol B.

Petra said...

Again, no words today. Perhaps more luck tomorrow.

Pat said...

One more word for me.

Sarah said...

One today! Daffodils are beautiful! :)

Anonymous said...

The VIOLA are ABUNDANT in my garden. Woohoo, two words. Good luck to all and congrats to the daily winners.

Joy said...

None today ... but still having fun!!!
Joy :o)

Jamie said...

One word today. DAFFODILs have always been one of my favorites!

Vicki ♥ said...

Nothing for me today :( Maybe tomorrow I will have more luck. hugs Vicki

Anonymous said...


Diane W said...

No words today. Wait for tomorrow.

Jen said...

No words today, but those books sure will make up for it *wipes drool from chin*

Diane said...

No words today see tomorrow. Nice books love to own one

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