Aged Elegance
3 Beautiful Quilts for 3 Beautiful Ladies! This picture was submitted by our good friend Chris C. from Australia. Here she is pictured with her quilting friends. From left to right, Dawn, Chris and Rhonda. They all worked on making these gorgeous Aged Elegance quilt tops together. Chris says, "The photo was taken by Janet the fourth member of our Friday quilting group. We have great fun each Friday taking turns to meet in each other's home. A lot of the time is taken up in laughing, talking and EATING. We have been known to get a little quilting in too!! There is nothing like the friendship of Quilters no matter where we are in the world." Thank you, Chris!

Butterfly Fling
This wallhanging was created by Adrienne B. from New York. She made this as a birthday gift using the Moda Butterfly Fling layer cake. Thank you for sharing this with us, Adrienne!
This adorable quilt was sent to us by Julie C. from Bogata, Texas. This lovely quilt was made for her brand new niece using fabric from the Giggles Flannel collection from Moda. Thank you, Julie, for sharing and congratulations on your new niece!
Come on fellow quilters! Send us your pictures and we'll post them on our blog and in the gallery on our website.
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