We’ve already received some wonderful emails showing off your creations!
From Suzanne in Longmont, CO
My name is Suzanne. I live in Longmont, Colorado (at the base of the Rocky Mountains). I tend to work on smaller projects. Something I can finish within a few hours of time. Attached are some of my recent creations. The first is a "Lil' Girl Cupcake Tote." I "bake" these up for the little girls in our lives. I also make big girl totes. The third attachment shows "First Love" which is a tote made with fabric by Lila Tueller from her "Woodland" collection. There's another from Mark Lipinski's "Califon" line. And a third from Kitty Yoshida's "City Girl" line. Those are just a small sampling of my things. You can go to my blog or Etsy to see more examples.
This is a great idea. I'd love to see a sampling of what people are working on...
Thank you so much! –Suzanne

From Patty in Dunlap, IO
Hi, I am Patty W. from Dunlap, Iowa. I am working on a Buggy Barn pattern and it's lots of fun. I wasn't sure about it when I started because all the stars are cut into 9 section then sewed back together and the ending block is all out of shape. Then it gets trimed to 9 1/2 inches and you have really neat wonky stars. It will be set in a barn raising setting. I am using Kansas Troubles in reds and creams. Sorry I don't have a camera hook up to my computer at this time so I can't show pics (but I'm working on it).
From Janet W. in Delta, British Columbia, Canada I have completed month 1 and 2 of the luscious Fig & Plum Mystery BOM club (hosted by The Quilt Shoppe). Here is one block I particularly liked:

And this is one block from my in-progress One Block Wonder:

And here my favourite block from the also in-progress Quilting 201: Beyond the Basics quilt I made with fabric purchased from The Quilt Shoppe (French Farmhouse):

From Amy C. in Hutchinson, KS I'm working on a quilt using a pattern called Garden Trellis from the book "Jelly Roll Quilts" by Pam and Nicky Lintott. I am using a jelly roll from from the Prairie Paisley line. I'd love to tell you I got this idea on my own. But I am not that original. I saw a picture on a blog of someone else using a jelly roll for this pattern from Prairie Paisley.
I am working on getting the borders on this weekend and hopefully start machine quilting.
From Pat B. in Iowa
Hi I have been working on:
Road to Tokyo – red, black & white quilt. I don’t have any photos of the quilt yet. I have about ½ of the blocks done.
I also have done a tea garden wall hanging
It is complete

From Pamela in Corvallis, OR
. . .a quilt for my mom . . . think I'll be done by Mothers' Day???? IT's supposed to be a "think spring" quilt, since the weather seems so "off" this year. Scrappy with floral cottons, as many as I could get my hands on, from my stash, FQ purchases, friends. . .! Photo is top only, so I have a ways to go.
Corvallis, Oregon
From Anita in Lancaster, CA
I'm working on.........actually I just finished a 30's quilt from the pattern "Chicken Linen Quilt" by Darlene Zimmerman. I tweaked the size of her pattern only so it would fit my bed. Her pattern would be 69X93". I made extra blocks so my quilt is 84X84". I used all 30's fabrics and many by Karen Snyder (Anna Lena.com). The backing is one of hers from the Washtub collection. I stippled the white areas and large-meandered the outer border.
I have attached a couple photos. (The photo says "...& Becky" because I had some photos of my daughter in the same album in my computer).
Anita Zierman
Lancaster, CA
Marcia W. from Trenton, FL
I’m working on learning freezer paper template piecing.
Attached is a scan of my first sample block (I don't have a camera).
The directions for these blocks came from the book Pieced Flowers by Ruth B.McDowell.
The fabrics are bits-n-pieces of materials that my mother saved. Using "left overs" helps me overcome the fear of making a color/sewing mistake and wasting fabric. I'm a beginning quilter.
My inspiration is a watercolor painting of irises. The plan is to make a matching quilt with an iris theme. If I master making pieced irises, then I can go on a fabric buying spree just for this quilt.
Belen S. from McAllen, TX
This is a first for me......sending a pic......but here it is. A square within a square within a square. Mostly Michael Miller fabrics.....doesn't look like what I thought it would but I'm seeing my mistakes and will learn from this...I hope. Love all the new fabrics.

Jennifer G.
Attached is one quilt I'm working on, however, I'm going to be starting one for my daughter and her fiance as soon as it comes. A wedding gift.
I started the New Year with a resolution to not buy any new fabric until I had used up what I had. Ha! The batik material for the circles quilt was collected prior to 2009, but, I have to confess, I've purchased some new fabric lately so I can make the wedding quilt.
Looking forward to an evening of working on this batik circles quilt! I'm attempting a strata border. I'm so glad it's Friday!

These are incredible! More to come tomorrow!