Thursday, June 3, 2010


Spring Fever Day Six hangtag

Good morning & Happy Thursday!

Thank you for all the sweet comments you left about missing us. 
We missed you too!

wednesday’s giveaway

Congratulations to

VickiT in Illinois

You are the winner of the Folk Dance Fat Quarter Bundle


Take a few minutes to hop on over to these great blogs!  Don’t forget to leave a comment and say “hi” from a fellow Spring Fever Blog Bingo player.

Hand Quilting Nana

Sunshine Quilting


Needles Zing

The Patch Craft







jelly beans



Petite 4s

Today’s giveaway is a box of Petit Fours from the Moda Bake Shop for two lucky winners.

Don’t forget to leave a comment here, on TODAY’S POST, to be eligible for today’s giveaway.  Winners will be announced tomorrow morning.

Good luck and see you in the mornin’!


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Dani said...

oh I love to hear the bird's song in the mornin!

Anita said...

Three words for me today, I now have a total of 8 words. I really like the quite time in the house before everyone else wakes up.

Nancy said...

OMG.... At GRADUATION, all the young ladies got a FLOWER...I wanted to take my son JELLY BEANS, but on the way I dropped them in a PUDDLE...

4 words today...

Sheila said...

Amaryliss by morning , where we spotted some jellybeans . That gives a total of eight !

Sharrieboberry said...

As a kid, the best part about mud PUDDLES, was the mud. Soft, squishy, mud oozing between little toes was the best!

Today? No way!

Barbie said...

Good Morning! My favorite flower is a pink rose. Thank-you for the Bingo game! It has been fun to check the blog every morning.

Anonymous said...

Yea... 1 word today!!

Sandy said...

Wow, some of the folks were lucky...not so much for me words! Great giveaway!!

Char said...

Love playing this game!

Pat said...

I have 10 words now. Love this bingo and look forward to it every day.

Monica said...

Only one today. Still have twelve to go.

Judy said...

None for me today but tomorrow is another day.

Bonnie E said...

Don't you just love JELLY BEANS at Easter time. All except the Purple ones! I now have 8 isn't that great!!

Jane's Fabrics and Quilts said...

Hmmm, I do not think jumping in a puddle is going to produce a Bingo!!

Dawn said...

Wow, I really was bad at my word selection. Oh well. it still fun to play.

Anonymous said...

2 more words today!!

ytsmom said...

No words today.

Dawn said...

yum yummy Petit Fours...... amarylis flowers are so pretty....
Hugs Dawn x x

Anonymous said...

JELLY BEANS rained from the sky on GRADUATION day!

2 today....8 total!


Dee W said...

I love the Amaryliss and so do the granddaughters.

Not Lucy said...

A little BIRD told me I got one word today - I have 3 now! Obviously I did not choose my words wisely!

sharon said...

No words today, hopefully better luck tomorrow! Sharonj.

Jess in Progress said...

YAY! Best day yet with 4 (total of 8 words :). Pick me pick me for the giveway....looks beautiful!

ferne said...

I have never done anything with a petit four before. That would be a fun thing to try something out with. Only one word today "bird" and they are singing outside my window right now...

Julie said...

Another...of course I picked "umbrella", I'm in Oregon! It's almot a requirement.

I'm up to 6...whoo hoo!

Lynn said...

0 again !

GroverFamily said...

I got the word graduation today!

I have to many "graduation" parties to attend!

Karen said...

well ... not doing so well ... no words again today ... maybe tomorrow !!

peggy said...

With amaryllis and umbrella, I'm up to nine!! Looks like a fun giveaway today

audrey said...

I got graduation today too! I actually just graduated from paramedic school yesterday!!

Margie said...

At graduation we needed to use an umbrella to keep the jelly beans dry.

Vintage Sandy said...

Did not have any words today but this is so much fun and what great giveaway's fingers crossed!!

P.S. You were missed!

Anonymous said...

Trying not to drop my jelly beans in the puddles

Geraldine said...

This is my first time participating in anything Quilty. I really look forward to this each morning!
Thank you!!

Melissa C said...

I have an umbrella full of jellybeans.

Amanda said...

No words today - perhaps I'll get double tomorrow!

Valerie said...

Sure could've used an UMBRELLA on Monday when the rains came through. Just one today --- and 4 total. *grin*

Cheri said...

I love jelly beans!

Anonymous said...

Yay! I might have to hold my UMBRELLA and FLOWER at the GRADUATION!

Anonymous said...




Sherry said...

Hey my birds are on the flowers and there such bright colours that thet look like jelly beans

Dresden Quilter said...

I always enjoy attending graduation.

Michelle said...

2 words today! Very Exciting!!!

LisaK said...

All right, the amaryllis is near the puddles!

Linda said...

A flower was picked for me!!

Diane W said...

My FLOWER won't wilt by the PUDDLES left by the rain. 2 more for me today. Love this game.

Amy said...

I'm having so much fun playing BINGO! Is it anyone else's high point of their morning to check the list?!

Only 12 more to go!

Anonymous said...

I had to use my umbrella because it was raining jelly beans!

Mike and Jen said...

Don't forget to take your UMBRELLA to the GRADUATION ceremony, and don't step in the PUDDLES along the way!

Pat said...

Best day yesterday, but computer problems caused a delay in posting. Had another word today for a total of 6.

Anonymous said...

Puddles today but enjoying the game!


VickiT said...

OH my gosh! I'm SO excited to see my name as the winner yesterday. How fun. Thank you SO much. I LOVE that fabric line so much. It's one that I have on my wish list to buy.

And today, again no words matched. Oh well, I can still smile about the fabric and maybe tomorrow I'll get more words again.

Laine said...

A bird was just singing away outside the window. I love listening to him.

PunkiePie (Jen) said...

I got a BIRD as a gift for my GRADUATION.

2 words today. WOOHOO!

Unknown said...

I got jelly beans! Little Bit's favorite treat!

Tammy said...

Yummy! How fun!!

Needled Mom said...

No words today, but I am still having fun.


I will be going to my son's GRADUATION on June 10th and become an empty nester .... more time for quilting!!!


I will be going to my son's GRADUATION on June 10th and become an empty nester .... more time for quilting!!!

Allison B. said...

No words again today :(

jamie said...

No words today, but got a bag of jellybeans callin my name ;)

Luv 2 Kreate said...

1 more down...16 more to go!

SoozeM said...

1 more word for me, I have 9 in total now! May your day be as sweet as a bag of Jelly Beans!

Stacey said...

not a word today, man, i am not doing good :O(

PatA said...

One more today...slow and steady probably won't work here but checking words is fun.

Bridget B said...

One word today- happy you got your computer up and running.

OTquilter said...

I am like the tortoise in a race with the hare...slow and steady. Just one more word today. But I'm having fun anyway!

Annette said...

My favorite FLOWER is a daisy...even though daisy wasn't one of the words on today's list.

Lee D said...

those look like some yummy fabric treats to play with. Only one word for me today!

Mrs. JP said...

Let's see here. A bird dropped a jelly bean outdoors just before a thunderstorm rained on the vegetables and left a rainbow.
I have six words and my sentences are getting sillier!

Di~ said...

Birds don't need umbrellas! Thanks.

Ida from Central PA said...

Today is GRADUATION for Tyrone, PA. Congratulations to Eagle Scout, Travis Johnson!

Anonymous said...

So happy to say I have 6 words after adding AMARYLLIS and JELLY BEANS today! This is a fun game!

CatQuilter said...

Yeah! Two more words crossed off.

Anonymous said...

Forgot to put my name and email to my comment....
I'm happy that today I have 6 words after adding AMARYLLIS and JELLY BEANS.


pamsgram said...

Boo hoo no words today, how sad, maybe tomorrow

Polly said...

No words at all today.... sigh :-(

sbmeeks said...

No words today...But so fun to play anyway!

Nancy said...

Just one word for me today... Jelly Beans. Sure wish I had a handful to eat right now. Thanks for the fun game and giveaway.

Carrie P. said...

No words today, tomorrow is another day to play. said...

Doh still holding tight with 5 words

Anonymous said...

One more word today. Love the prize for today!

Sarah said...

EEK! :) No words

meg said...

Phooey~ skunked 2 days in a row; think I'll go eat some jelly beans :-)

Abby and Stephanie said...

I won't leave the house today without my UMBRELLA!

Linda Bailey said...

wow 4 words today, glad you are back .we missed you !!!

Anonymous said...

Another one word day. Slow but sure.

annemarie said...

I actually got some jelly beans today - can't believe I had a word!!

Mommy Songe said...

drat... no words today either. But maybe a lucky box of petite fours will be in my future! ;0) Here's to crossing my fingers!! They are darling!

Anonymous said...

I knew it !!!! :-)),
having 4 words in the first two days could only be followed bij at least 2 weeks of 'nothing' LOL

Anonymous said...

p.s... It sure is great to have you back.

Anonymous said...

I got 2 words today - the umbrella is covering the jelly beans


Claudia said...

How cute are these. Keep up the great work

Claire said...

i've been using my "umbrella" a lot the past couple of weeks....starting to get very muggy in Indiana.

quiltnmaryf said...

No new words for me..tomorrow is another day!!

Brenda said...

Not doing very well, but still having fun!

ChrisNH said...

I guess starting out strong isn't a good thing, no words again today!

Patty said...

Oh, I have jelly beans! Is there a prize for who gets the least amount??

Anonymous said...

No words for me again today. Fabulous giveaway today! - Pick Me! Pick Me!


Martina said...

toda we have flowers and need an umbrella. Great to words more. Yeah!

Robin (RsIslandCrafts) said...

Good thing I had my umbrella because it was raining jellybeans today!!

Unknown said...

I love jellybeans, one word today!

CMEH said...

plugging alone with one word a day..... but getting there slowly..... hope you all have a great day!

Crafty Maine Mom said...

I will protect my FLOWER with my UMBRELLA.

Only 15 more to get :)

Jolynn said...

Only two words today, but better than yesterday's none!

Tina said...

Two for me! Should I bring a FLOWER to my girl for her GRADUATION? I'm up to 9 words.

B. said...

Day 6 = 6 words total!

Trisha said...

One word. Woohoo! Slow and steady wins the race, right?

Jackie said...

The BIRD is jumping in the PUDDLES.
8 total words now.

Sarah said...

2 days in a row with no words...oh my.

Scrap Happy Quilting said...

One of these days I'll have to hit the jackpot- only my words will be left:-). None today - only 3 so far.

Maria McGill said...

Two words today, woohoo! I'll have to get my little girl FLOWERS for her Kindergarten GRADUATION!

Jane said...

and one more makes nine

Unknown said...

No words for me today, but having fun playing and checking out blogs. Have a great day all!

Quilt Monkey said...

Started out strong, and now nothing for days! Still having fun, thought!!

Anita in Florida said...

Aw shucks...I forgot my umbrella!

^A^ngel said...

No words for me today :-(
Let's see what tomorrow will bring ;-)



SewCalGal said...

I planted JELLY BEANS and grew a FLOWER. What a fun time today!


judys said...

One word today; plunkin' along slowly.........

Nancy said...

One word today.
What a GREAT giveaway today!

sherida said...

This is so enjoyable, much much nicer than 'spring cleaning'!

Dana Gaffney said...

No words for me today. Nice prize.

Andrea said...

I got three words today!! Woohoo!! My luck must be changing!!

Jonathan said...

Bummer, no words today. :(
Great giveaway though!!

isispx said...

Woohoo, two today! The list is slowly building, and those petit-fours are calling my name (I mean, really, I just bought some cake ones and it's my birthday tomorrow, pretty please pick me!)!

Wendy said...

My flower is quite lonely but still happy. Thanks!

Patti said...

No words today!! Having fun!

Jeanne said...

Slow and steady...nine words so far. A bird told me to be patient.

janieg said...

One flower for me today. This gives me 5 words....what fun!

Vicki H said...

Can someone let me know how to play or is it too late to start? How will I know when they start again?

Poplka Dot Cottage said...

No words today. Maybe tomorrow.

bethstreet said...

Only one flower today, Amaryllis, but that reminded me of the wonderful production of "the Music Man" that our local high school put on this month here in Stockton,CA.

AnnieO said...

No words again for me, but definitely fun to play along anyway for such great prizes!

Lori said...

Flowers and Jelly Beans: you can never have too many of either. :)

Dorothy said...

Only one word today. Better than yesterday.

KaHolly said...

Today I got lucky
with two more words,
I would have known sooner,
but I was out watching birds!

Julie S said...

The BIRD was using the PUDDLES to take a bath!

Anonymous said...

The BIRDs are eating me out of house and home this spring. (5)

Joanne Deschenes, Savannah, GA said...

I can't believe it !! I had 3 words today !!! Keep it Up !!!

Sweet Pea's Garden said...

Wow, no words for me again today, but I would really love to win those petit fours!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow, I am just not doing good. No words for me today. :-(

Anonymous said...

Two words today... and what a sweet treat those Petit Fours will be! ...Karen

Anonymous said...

Bird for me and we always have an array of birds to watch.

Sinta Renee said...

Averageing 1 word per day. Did you know that at the Jelly Belly Factory they call their misshaped jelly beans: "belly flops".

Mama Spark said...

I managed Jelly Beans today. I love these little sugary delights!

Evelyn said...

Just one more for me today - jelly beans!

Jessica & Jason Hill said...

Two words today!

Gail J said...

I walk thru my garden holding my UMBRELLA looking at the FLOWER, I really have more then ONE. LOL at least it is two words, better then some days.Now I have six. So glad your computer issues are fixed. WTG Techman.

Maria said...

All the birds sit in puddles. LOL

Anonymous said...

No words for me today. But it's okay, tomorrow's another day.

Brockett's said...

1 word again today. Slow and steady....

dollquilter said...

OUCH! I didn't have any today.

Deb said...

Just one word today, but still having so much fun!

Loose Threads said...

Jumping in "puddles" to have you back on line!

Jenna Z said...

Yet another big-O for me!

Deborah said...

2 words for me today Woohoo!!!I love playing bingo.

Sipiweske Quilts said...

I'm bouncing jelly beans off my umbrella as I skip through the puddles - what a day!

Katie Favara said...

None for me today, thank you. But, I'll be back for 7 big X's tomorrow.... PLEASE???

Gayle said...

Thanks for the new words-Amaryllis was my Mom's favorite flower.

Sandie @ crazy'boutquilts said...

Whoohoo~ no goose egg for me today! I saw some puddles on graduation. ;-)

Richard Lavimoniere said...

Alas, no words in the list today, but I am thankful to be participating!!

Richard Lavimoniere

Mary said...

I seem to be on the One A Day plan! I do like jelly beans though.

Mary U said...

Oh Yum, Jelly Beans

edakid said...

No words today, but I am still having fun...

Anonymous said...

The amaryllis are blooming, the flowers smell sweet, the birds are singing, while I sit under my umbrella and take it all in.

fairlight said...

Sun is shining, don't need my umbrella today!

quiltermom91 said...

Three words for me today - ten for me total. Laura

Anonymous said...

I have 7 words...give me more...

Linda said...

Today we have sunshine and a week of rain and puddles. Yea can't wait for the flowers to bloom.

Anonymous said...

mmmmmmm--jelly beans ;o) Having fun surfing the blogs.

Melissa ;-) said...

I will spend the day today watching the "bird" play in the "puddles"!

Stacy Lindblom said...

Yippee Skippee! Three words for me today!

Susan Entwistle said...

you're kidding me, right? another day, no words. well, chin up, at some point the only words left to call will be ones I have :)

Unknown said...

I have only 5 words total and 20 to go, but tomorrow is another day!!!


Laurie said...

I'm gonna need my umbrella today for sure!

~Michelle~ said...

yay! I got 3 words today :)

Rory/Grama said...

Since I only have 4 words, I don't think I will win but this is fun!

Debbie said...

Two more words makes 12! Hope it keeps up!

Anonymous said...

3 words.......yeah! Love this game.

Marie in Oregon

Susan said...

Two words today! Yay! And I would so love to win that box of petits fours - thanks for all the fun each day! :)

schmidt1016 said...

I'm inching along, like a bird building a nest. One more today. Hooray!
Leslie S. in MN
esclante [at] comcast [dot] net

mieke said...

Mieke from the Netherlands said :

Just the one word today AMARYLLIS.
But so far a grand total of 8 words.

Keep them coming. I love the suspense.

Becky said...

One word today - jelly beans, one of my favs:)`

Deb said...

Another day with no words...sad me. I'd love to win today's giveaway.

benbel said...

Amaryllis! A beautiful word!

Marcia W. said...

Today was a big leap for me - 4 words. This does help to inspire me to keep on playing. mlwright29 (at) hotmail (dot) com

Mary Beth said...

Two words today- yeah!

Paula Lynn said...

Whooo Hoooo! Two words for me today. I've seven total!

Robin said...

Yay...9 words so far! I love todays prize! I am soooo crossing my fingers...and my toes...and my legs...and maybe my eyes, too! : )

For Quilting said...

I'm on a roll... a jelly roll I guess... 4 consecutive days with no words... in the meatime I completed my Gadget Girl Bag (pattern by Whistle Pig) this week and it's AWESOME!!!

Ohappyme said...

Great day, the BIRD found JELLY BEANS that were beginning to FLOWER. yup... that's 3

Anonymous said...

No words two days in a row. Good thing I got 9 last week.

esquiltingpassion said...

Oh well, another day and not a word on my bingo list. Maybe tomorrow, I only have four so far. I am still having fun though.

Darlene said...

Only one word today, but I will take it! I love my jelly beans!

Ulla said...

Oh, two new words at a time! Now I have 5.

Fernanda said...

Bring out the UMBRELLA, it's raining JELLY BEANS.

Anonymous said...

the storms kept the bird away.

Carol B.

Linda in Arkansas said...

Good Morning! After I read today's word, puddle, I started searching my list for the word puppy. I guess I must associate puddles with puppies!! LOL! That makes 7 words total for me.

Sandra Coleman Clarke said...

Wow, I got 3 words today!!!!

Anonymous said...

Thank God for the beautiful FLOWERS.

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