Wow! Wow! Wow! We have over 30 participants in our parade today! You’ve all been very, very busy and your projects are all incredible.
Make a bowl of popcorn, pour something refreshing to drink, sit back, and enjoy!
When you have a chance, stop by the blogs that are listed and say hi! We all love to hear from our quilting buddies.
For those of you that have blogs and would like to post a link to our Parade, we’ve made a banner for your use. Feel free to copy and paste it in your blog or your website and link back to this post.
Audrey from Justice, IL
This is my entry into Finished Friday! It's called Peaks and Valleys and is a pattern I designed. I used Moda Half Moon Jelly Roll as well as a Moda White Jelly Roll.
I made this for myself but it will probably live on the couch.

Julia G. from Brooksville, MS
I made this quilt "Night Sailingt" using my left over scraps from making a BOM for Christine. It only measures 9" X 9 1/4".
Barbara from Bridgewater, VA
BLOG: I made this quilt for a class I will be teaching in Mississippi. I wanted a quick easy quilt. It is made by a triangle layout and only has one triangle block pattern. It is fast and fun to make.

Mac from Noord-Brabant, The Netherlands
I proudly present my Angels’ Story, patched and appliqué by hand. I used lots of my stash, mostly Moda fabrics. This quilt is designed by Anni Downs, one of my favourite designers. Anni published the pattern of this quilt in a great book. Actually I bought it because the stories about the Angels were so nice written , they make me smile over and over again. All the appliques are Angels, not angels we all recognize from books or pictures, but Angels looking like normal women, that is to say normal with wings. Every angel has a name, e.g. there is Libby the librarian, Pot plant Penelope, Hattie at the Hat shop and Angela the animal lover. Also each of the angels has her own story, so very amusing to read.
I worked on this quilt for over a year and then hesitated to quilt it. First I considered machine quilting, but I am not that good in it to had the courage to start. I knew quilting by hand would take a few months as I can’t quilt for hours and hours. So after hesitating a while I decided it to let it quilt by a long arm machine. Last week I only had to make the binding. I’m very pleased with the result, it looks great don’t you think

Carrie from North Carolina
BLOG: I just finished this disappearing nine patch quilt. It was a block swap that I did last year. I participated in this swap because I just love the combination of the two colors.
Sally from Boise, ID
Ice Cream Dress, pattern from Oliver + S
The orange fabric is from Moda and the mermaid fabric is Heather Ross. Other then that I used sweat and string.
I made the dress for my daughter, the story behind it is she wants more princess dresses and so being the mom I provide!

Martha from Reno, NV
I pieced and used decorative stitches in making this vest on my serger, then beaded a portion of it and attached free standing lace butterflies that I made on my embroidery machine. I get many compliments when I wear it.

Gail from Chicago Heights, IL
This is my Stars 'N Flowers quilt. The focus fabric is Susan Winget's Gypsy Song panels, which I alternated with star blocks made from corresponding Susan Winget fabric and other miscellaneous fabric. The dot background fabric in the stars is my favorite, Clowning Around from Wilmington. I made this to brighten up my French Country living room. It's my first piece made with something besides squares and rectangles!

Karyli from Parma, ID
My name is Karyli Peterson from Parma, Idaho, USA. I love to sew - especially quilts. Here is my latest that I've finished.
I've called it "Looking for Summer" because I've been working on it throughout winter and this long spring as we impatiently wait for summer to arrive. It seems that spring has over stayed it's welcome this year and I am ready for the bright sun shiny days of summer. So here is my bright sun shiny quilt as we are "Looking for Summer."
There is a story behind this lovely gem. Auntie was a member of a cotton club about 25 years ago where members received a sampling of four inch cotton squares on a regular basis. She collected these squares for years. Some time ago when she learned that I enjoyed sewing too, she gave me her box full of about a thousand four inch squares. They were all so beautiful and unique. I would get them out just to play - sort - admire - drool over them. I finally decided to design a quilt so I could use some of them. I still have hundreds left for another project someday. I sorted out the brightest ones I could find in the collection and came up with my new beauty.
I'm in love with it!
I tried a new basting method for me. I usually do the, lay it out on the floor and pin the heck out of it, method but not this time. I wanted to try fusible batting on this one and see if I might get less puckers. I think I'm in love! It was so easy to put together. I ironed in together and just pinned around the edges for security. It held together throughout the entire quilting process and I had ZERO puckers! Yes, I will use that again.
I bound it with strips of bright scraps to add to the colorfulness. It measures 66 x 78" and my daughter has already spoken for it so it's first home will be on her bed.
For more pictures of it and more of what I'm doing, please visit my blog.

Hollie from Venice, CA
This is a wonky stacked baby quilt I made for my friends Dan and Sara. They're due in two weeks and I finished binding it yesterday. I actually bound the quilt while I was on the road for work. I can't leave my quilting that far behind me (I'm on the road all month) so I took their quilt with me because I could hand sew the binding on the road.
I used a variety of green scraps quilting cotton I had in my stash to piece the quilt.
I made it for my friends Dan and Sara. The got married last September and got pregnant on their honeymoon which was a gift to both of them since they are 40 and this is their first pregnancy. They know they're having a girl but are doing greens and neutrals since Sara is like me and "not a pink girl".

Dana from Key Largo, FL
I have two finishes both of which were in the WIP Wed. I am trying to work down my stash and the braided quilt was wonderful for that, plus it came out beautiful.

This one I used to practice my free motion quilting, I used the X block to make the blocks then free motioned petals and swirls.

Cbear from Chicago, IL
Pattern is from the Moda Bake Shop, Avignon Picnic
Fabric: Berry Bliss Bali Pop by Hoffman, and "Milk" from Whimsy Line
Started June 15, 2010, set to quilter July 5th
For: Our very best friend getting married in August in Germany. The couple are young lawyers, building a new home with all "green" products - so I wanted something modern and earthy. I think the combination of fabrics and the pattern pulled it all together nicely. This was my first real quilt, meaning BIG (64"x64") and with more piecing. I used my AccuQuilt GO! to cut the strips of the background fabric, which made QUICK work of it. I pieced it with my great-grandmothers vintage Singer Slant-o-Matic sewing machine. Her name is Edna (the sewing machine and my great-grandmother), and she's a sturdy little work horse. I got out all the fancy attachments to make sure all my seams were even and straight. I had to fight with Edna a bit, as she's feeding fabric crooked - but all worked out in the end. Seams match well, although I admit I used lots of pins just to make sure!

Mary from Lake Pulaski, MN
Hexagon style quilt pattern called Merry-Go-Round by American Jane
Authentic by Sweetwater for Moda. I had a fat quarter stack and a dessert roll for quite a while before I decided on the right pattern and I love it!! My favorite LAQ did a fabulous job quilting it.
I don’t usually decide ahead of time who a quilt is for, I just make what I like. The exception is baby quilts.

Alicia from Olalla, WA
My granddaughter's big girl quilt for her 2nd birthday It started with someone else's UFO. I added some more blocks and the cats and dogs at top and bottom. It is for my granddaughter's 2nd birthday. More info on my blog.

JaiCi from Provo, UT
BLOG: I just barely finished this Halloween Quilt. I started it 2 years ago, and just gathered Halloween fabric that made me smile. Then I saved it so that I could quilt it myself on a long-arm quilting machine....this was my first one! I am now addicted and can't wait to do my next one!!!!

Melissa from South Bend, IN
I have finished two quilts to put on parade.
The first one was on the WIP Wednesday post. The binding is now complete on it. The scalloped binding turned out to be a little harder than I had anticipated. It's not perfect but I am still glad I attempted it. I just love the pink and brown combo, so fun! All these pinks and browns were from my stash. I just love that my stash is finally getting big enough for me to make entire quilts without having to go to the store :)
The second is for my dear, sweet, friend Emilee. She is expecting her fourth little girl on August 30th. As this is her fourth little girl I asked here a while back if there was anything special in mind that she would like in a quilt. She told me that she had fallen in love with Anna Marie Horner's, Sixth Times a Charm Quilt and would love one to hang over her crib. She decided on a color scheme of green, pink, yellow, and white and I started piecing scraps. This quilt front is 100% scraps and was so fun to make! The quilting is something brand new for me. There is a wonderful tutorial from Elizabeth at Oh Fransson! for these amazing loopy flowers. I am so happy with the results. I think the flowers are just precious! So Emilee received her quilt today and loved it! She was so excited!! And I tell you, each time I give a quilt, I think I get just as giddy as the recipient, It just makes me tickled pink that my little hobby can bring such joy to others!
Carla from Venice, FL
Pattern: Mini Bow Tucks Bag pattern from Quilts Illustrated
Fabrics Used: Owl fabric I've had for 8 to 10 years and always afraid to use.

Melissa from Queen Creek, AZ
On July 4th, I finished what I call a Bumblebee Quilt and put it up for sale in my Etsy shop ( I have a blog post about it here ( I love the blacks and whites, and especially the yellows! I had leftover fabrics from two collections-- Eclipse by Exclusively Quilters Fabrics, and Harlequin by RJR Fabrics. I have a bunch of squares cut out from these fabrics and I'm in the process of making hexagons for a future hexagon quilt. (side note: my name means "honeybee", so I'm obsessed with anything "bee", including hexagons!). I thought the simple striped design was fun and it was an easy way to use up my leftovers. I used a fat 1-inch gingham for the back, and a black/white dot for the binding. I did an all-over meandering/stippling for the quilting. This quilt is a baby/toddler or crib size quilt (measuring 35" by 51"), or it could be used as a throw quilt.
On July 7th, I finished a quilt for my sister. I have a blog post about it here ( Her birthday is later this month and I've been working on this quilt off and on since April. I usually have about 5 quilts in progress at a time. In January, I set a personal goal of making a quilt a month for the year. Well, I'm already at 11 quilts, so I'm a little bit ahead of schedule, but I'm glad. :) When I set my goal, I told my family about it, and told them they should be expecting a quilt from me sometime this year. My sister chose this fabric collection-- Blush by Basic Grey for Moda. She really loves the color combinations of blue, brown and pink. When I saw the fabric, it reminded me of her. Then, I found out that one of the particular fabric designs was called "Cherry Cordial", and I knew it was meant for her! Cherry cordials are her favorite candy! :) I'm thinking of wrapping the quilt around a box of cherry cordials, or at least giving her a box of them with her other gifts. Anyways, I decided on a Garden Brick Wall design because I loved the fabric and I didn't want to cut it up too much. I felt it would look better in a simple design. I used Kona Cotton in Coffee on the back with a little strip of bricks, and more Cherry Cordial in blue for the binding. When it came to the quilting, I wanted to try something different. So, since it was a "Garden Brick Wall", I thought some "climbing vines" would be fun. I just did some simple squiggly connecting "vines" with some leaves coming off on each side. It was pretty fast quilting for a larger sized quilt, and I was very pleased with the way it turned out. I hope my sister will love it too! :)

Ellen from Na’alehu, HI
This mystery quilt was made at a retreat I attended as a beginner. I presented it to my sister for her 88th birthday celebration.

Joyce from Selma, NC
Attached are two pictures (the front & a close-up of the label on the back) of the quilt I made for my father, Alec Houston Leeka, for his 90th birthday and Father's Day in June 2010.
I used Moda Migration charm squares and a pattern from "Slice 'em & Dice 'em Quilts" by Nancy Brenan Daniel. For the back I used some special US Army fabric -- my Dad was career Army, a WWII & Korean War vet.
Becky from Coles County, IL
I recently finished this quilt which is my new favorite for napping. I began with one moda charm pack, thangles, and a little bit of extra fabric from my stash. You can see my other recent projects(mid-process and completed) on my blog.

Karin from SE New Mexico
BLOG: I'm a fairly new quilter and I have quickly realized that this is a sickness and I am loving every minute of it! It didn't take long for quilting to become an addiction and I am thoroughly enjoying the journey!
I have attached a picture of my most recent finished project, my Hobo Quilt. I saw this pattern on the cover of the June 2009 issue of Patchwork & Quilting and fell in love instantly. There is something about scrap quilts that just speaks to my soul. I posted about it on my blog.

Emily from Alberta, Canada
Our big summer adventure this year is going to a trip to visit family in Minnesota. While we're there, we're going to hit up the Minnesota Renaissance Festival in Shakopee. I used to go there nearly every year with my dad, and I am so excited to take my two boys this year!
We are super geeky, and love to dress up for the event. I have a peasant dress, and my husband wears his kilt (his family is Scottish) and a medieval style tunic with puffy sleeves. This year I wanted to make mini kilts and tunics for our boys - i thought they would look SO cute matching with their dad!
I wanted the kilts to be as "official" as possible, both because of our Scottish heritage, and because my kids are boys and i wanted them to be wearing "Kilts" and not "skirts". haha! After searching in vain for a kilt pattern, or even a pleated skirt i could modify, i realized that i would have to figure out the pattern myself. I found a website with basic kilt-sewing instructions, though they were for an adult kilt. Using those, and my husband's own kilt, as guides, i set out - making plenty of mistakes on the way, to be sure, but i'm rather pleased with the result.
And by these photos, you can tell my little model is extremely proud of it too!
The only "non-official" adjustment was in changing the buckles to ties - I just couldn't find buckles small enough! Also, since my kids are so young, I figured i could get away with using plaid flannel instead of wool.
Now all that's left are the tunics and sporrans...

Jodi from Smithfield, Rhode Island
Here's my finished table runner which I gave to my SIL and BIL. Every year for the past 25 years they've been hosting a 4th of July cookout at their home. I wanted to make them something as a small token of appreciation, so here it is. I used all fat quarters (not sure what they were), and embroidered the lettering. Then I machine-quilted it on my old Singer - my first quilting feat, and it didn't come out TOO badly!

Gene from Anniston, AL
This is a mini quilt I made on July 3rd. It is my original design. Materials used -Cotton fabric, batting and thread. I cut the pieces with a Go! fabric cutter by Accuquilt.
I had designed a complete quilt but wanted to try the blocks before committing to making the entire quilt. I decided that it is too complicated to make. I had to rip out a few pieces to get it close to matching the pattern. It still isn't perfect, but I love it. I pieced the back with leftover pieces of the front fabrics.

Darlene from Geneva, OH
FACEBOOK: Darlene Gerber
This is Scarlet and Gray All Over from Marti Michell Log Cabin ABCs
I used a number of Moda Marbles in varying shades of Gray to Black and the Reds are from my large stash.
I saw a version of this quilt in The Glass Thimble in Columbus, Ohio and decided I needed to make one.
As a fan of The Ohio State University Buckeyes I have a tendency to wear Red and I Quilt Scarlet and Gray.
This quilt is leaving to be quilted this weekend, I can’t wait to see it when I pick it up the weekend of the Ohio State vs. Purdue Football game.

Hanna & Sarah from Shenandoah Valley, VA
This is a girl’s colonial costume using floral cotton fabric, lace and ribbon.
For the 4th of July, our young friend Madeline had been dreaming of a colonial dress just her size. She and her mom selected Simplicity pattern 3725, and my sister Sarah and I had the privilege of helping them complete this project recently in time for Independence Day festivities.
We posted about the fun process of making the dress at our blog here:

KarrieLyne from Northern Illinois
This is a simple pattern and a quilt that went together very quickly. It's made up of strips that are 2.5" x 10 1/2", sewn together in sets of 5 to make 10 1/2" blocks. Alternating the rows makes it look as though each row is reflecting off the one above. A unique and modern design by me. :)
I used a jelly roll of Fandango by Kate Spain for Moda and A jelly roll in Snow by Moda as well. I used a yard of striped fabric to do the bias binding and then 4 yards for the backing. The batting is Warm and Natural. Pieced and quilted by me.
The idea for this quilt came to me one night while sitting on the couch watching t.v. You know. Those moments that hit you out of the blue and you start totally geeking out at the idea? I knew that if the idea in my head worked out as a pattern for a quilt, that I would submit it to Moda for my first bake shop tutorial. Guess what? They liked it and I was able to post it on July 5th, 2010! So was born, Random Reflections. The name came about because I am usually pretty random and reflections because the strips reflected each other, randomly.

Sarah from Nashville, TN
Several months ago, my husband decided that he would take a few days of vacation over 4th of July weekend to finish putting the hardwood floors down in the only room in our house he hadn't already done (we've been working on this for several years now!). Friday morning we got up and started pulling baseboard. I decided it would be a good time for me to repair the cracks in the walls, while the furniture was out of the room. Then my husband said it would be a good time to paint the room, too (also my job!) Long story short, look at what we finished this week! We were too tired to enjoy fireworks, but we are certainly enjoying our completed room! And we'll soon be enjoying our garage again, now that all that hardwood flooring is gone!
Thanks for letting me share this with you all!

Patty from Killeen, TX
BLOG: This is a Harley Davidson T-shirt quilt made for a client. Right now it is at the quilters and will have a flame themed motif. I used the t-shirts provided and quilt shop quality cotton for the borders, cornerstones and sashing. I can't wait to get it back so I can hand sew the binding on. (Also to see what it looks like quilted!)

Trisha from Seattle, WA
BLOG: Hi! I am Trisha from Seattle, Washington. I just finished this cute little table runner that I made to share a tutorial about how to do a faux piped binding over on my blog. I pieced the back too so it is reversible.

Cherie from “Southern Town”, MS
The first is a quilt from Schnibbles Times Two, Plan C using “12 Days of Christmas by Kate Spain for Moda. The quilt is for our family but it is currently hanging in our LQS as a shop sample for a few months. It’s my first Christmas Quilt.
The second is a baby Bubble using Patty Young’s Mezzanine. This is a gift for a co-worker whose baby is now 5 months old (just a little late with that baby gift).

Molly from Southern Oregon
Hey there! I have a quilt that I JUST finished for my stepdad Dave's birthday on the 1st.
It's made ENTIRELY from my stash! Super-proud of myself there! He's kind-of a cowboy so I threw in some ginghams, cowboy prints, and some solids. The back is pieced too. It measures 60x60 inches, just right for a nice cozy throw.

Karen from Lower Michigan
The the only quilt that I made for myself... "Bloomin 30's" quilt:
The "Monkey Quilt" is for donation to Quilts for Kids.
The remainder are "prayer squares" for the Prayers and Squares group I belong to.
The preemie quilt was made for one of two twin girl preemies in our area. Both girls have undergone heart surgery and are doing well, still in the hospital.

Lani from Elk Grove, CA
I don’t usually have time to sew for myself, but this year I stole a few hours to make some patriotic pretties. It all started when Rachel at p.s. i quilt hosted her Pinwheel Sampler Quilt Along. I had a fat quarter of Rural Jardin from French General just screaming to be used. I finished it on Friday, June 25, put it in a box and shipped it to my long-arm quilter, Darla Padilla of Wildflower Quilting, who just so happens to be my sister-in-law, who just so happened to also have quilted Rachel’s Pinwheel Sampler. She called me as soon as she received it and wanted to know when I needed it. I told her it would be awesome if I could get it back in time to bind so it would be done by the 4th and yes, I did realize she has 40 quilts on the rack to do, but that I loved her very, very much and that it could be something plain and simple. She had it done by the 1st, I bound it on the 2nd and it was all ready for our patriotic festivities. Thank you Darla! You’re the best :)
I had lots and lots of leftovers, so when I saw the Garden Stars and Stripes pattern over at the Moda Bake Shop, I knew just what to do. I didn’t have enough of the Rural Jardin stripe, so I substituted a stripe from Simply Chic by Michele D’Amoro for Marcus. It worked perfect! I ended up with an extra block, so I made a quick mini table topper.